Thursday, June 12, 2008

still jet-lagged

Coming from Arizona, the humidity is suffocating especially when the sun is strongest. It also doesn't help that there is a visible cloud of hazy pollution that hangs on the city and prevents any kind of cool breezes.
We took auto-rickshaws to orientation this morning which is really just a glorified lawn mower with a cover. You cram four people in the back seat and it functions just like a cab. They are the most popular form of transportation because they are cheap and very common and only the wealthiest people have cars. Most use motorbike and bicycles. The rickshaw drivers can be compared to cab drivers in New York, except they drive so close to the auto next to you, you could reach out and grab the steering wheel. These cab rides have been my favorite thing we have done as of yet, because you get a fantastic tour of the city as well as a breeze (which is important because it is annoning showing up to meeting drenched in sweat by 8 am). Plus avoiding walking in the street whenever possible is a good idea because our group gets many stares...apparently huge groups of Caucasian young people are not common here and reason for people to stop what they are doing and gawk at us. That is something that will take getting used to.

It turns out that getting to an Internet connection is not as easy as I would have liked, so blog posts are not going to happen often. Hopefully I will be able to write more about our translators and orientation soon, as well as upload pictures once my camera equipment arrives.

Luggage status: still not here. It had been six days and I am wearing other peoples clothes. This is beyond frustrating because I am not having any luck with the transportation desk her in Chennai nor with British Airways. Maybe I will never see my stuff ever again. Oh well...I guess I 'll just have to do some serious shopping. :)

More later

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great writing. Keep up the good work. Read my email. How and what is the food???